Who is who

During his scientific career, which lasted from 1970 until his retirement in 2004, Dick H. Eikelboom carried out many research projects aimed at solving operational problems in activated sludge plants. He is an international expert on bulking control and the identification of filamentous bacteria. He is the author of the "Microscopic sludge investigation manual" (Eikelboom and van Buijsen,1981), a classic in international water literature. His knowledge and experience, obtained during these 35 years of watewater research, are summarized on the CD-Roms produced by ASIS.

contact him at: eikelboom@asissludge.com

Arie Draaijer has been working at the front-line of R&D in the field of chemistry, electro-optics, and optics. He has a special interest in microscopy and sensor development. His knowledge on programming. digital image processing and image acquisition, resulted in the setting up of a joint venture together with Dick Eikelboom for the products to be found on this world wide web page.

contact him at: draaijer@asissludge.com